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Horoscopes April 2024 beauty eclipse aries
Illustration by Gabrielle Rosenstein

April 2024 Horoscope: here’s what the Solar Eclipse means for your sign

There will be a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries today, creating limitless possibilities

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” For more astrology, read her guide to risings signs and moon signs. Read an overview of what 2024 has coming up for us this year here.

April promises to be a thrilling ride, as we continue along the rollercoaster of eclipse season, subjected to relationship resets and a fiery Mercury retrograde. We begin one of the most astrologically intense months of the year with high energy, in the head-strong sign of Aries, enhancing our need for limitless horizons and total independence. Spring has sprung, and the sign of the Ram revs up our engines as we enter a period of new beginnings and new directions. Stops and starts are to be anticipated, particularly as Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 1st. This may result in the occasional temper tantrum, an impulse text, and even fights and flare-ups. Mercury wants us to inspect how we deliver information and what we do about our impulses and gut feelings. It’s time to be direct, but not devastatingly direct. We may see old conflict rise to the surface and we are encouraged to battle through unfinished business. Ultimately, April wants you to speak your truth, even if it ruffles feathers. 

Last month, relationship issues may have reached a tipping point. The break-ups and breakthroughs from the Lunar Eclipse in Libra left room for new connections. On the 8th, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries fires us into new trajectories, filling empty space. This creates a feeling of limitless possibility, like anything is possible, both miracles and utter mayhem. It’s a period of action, breakthroughs and sudden events – a much-welcome change of pace from the start of the year, but not without moments of chaos.

We are reminded that the more we embrace what makes us an individual, the more likely we are to find ourselves in suitable company. Venus moves into Aries on the 5th, encouraging us to instigate connections, even if it feels risky. Venus makes several important conjunctions with the Nodes of fate this month, making sure that we find what is meant for us. Look out for chance encounters, fated opportunities and destined run-ins.

This is a period of new timelines and we are encouraged to make fearless moves that match our innermost desires. The Sun assists us in determining what we want, especially when it moves into Taurus on the 19th, connecting us to our bodies, values and desires. Ruled by Venus, Taurus’ earthy temperament helps us build self-worth, as we seek to find beauty and pleasure in our surroundings. We can utilise this energy to reconnect with our senses and discern what it is we truly desire to manifest this eclipse period. 

Further adding to the astrological insanity, Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in Taurus on April 20. This is a once-in-a-14-year event, marking the momentary marriage between the planet of luck and the planet of shock and sudden events. We can anticipate big plot twists and revelations, ultimately leading to long-term abundance. As both sit in the sign of Taurus, we can expect collective changes that apply to money, values and our relationship to the earth. 

On the 23rd, a Full Moon in Scorpio helps clear any remaining debris from any codependent contacts we are still working through. Mercury stations direct in Aries on the 25th, as we become more deliberate and daring in our direction. We are eager to reach our ideal destination without any heavy emotional baggage. Mars enters Aries on the 29th of the month, ensuring that we pair the energetic upgrades of April with action, moving forward fearlessly.